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(917) 450-8020
Manhattan Birthparents Support Group
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Safe supportive space for first mothers to meet
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A safe supportive space for birth mothers to meet in midtown Manhattan.  We meet monthly on the 3rd Thursday of each month to support each other in our common history. We laugh, we cry, we share our stories. The group is open to both mothers and fathers who lost children to adoption but to date we are only First Mothers. It is a safe place to share our stories and most importantly to be heard and understood. Our stories are all different but our grief is the same, adoption loss hurts. It doesn’t matter where you are in your adoption journey, recently placed your child in an open adoption, lost your child in the adoption scoop era, currently in a good or bad reunion with your lost child, searching, thinking about searching for your child, or simply want your story to be heard…………we are here and will listen. We may not have answers but we have empathy, support and compassion for each other.
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